Since we began offering project management, event management and business development services in 2003 we have had the pleasure of working with a diverse and interesting client base. Each contract has challenged us and helped us grow into a well-rounded and experienced service provider. Below you will find a brief overview of the various projects we have worked on over the years and will give you some insight into our ability to adapt and service a wide variety of client needs.
Event Management
Contract Description:
We provided Event Management services for the Building Owner’s and Managers Association of New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island (BOMA PEI/NB) in hosting BOMA Canada’s BOMEX 2022 National Conference and Trade Show.
Client Description:
Association (BOMA) and the premier gathering of key players for the commercial building industry across Canada. For more than 25 years local BOMA associations across Canada have hosted BOMEX events on behalf of the national organization. The partnerships offer regional flavour and a high standard of excellence in conference programming and education. BOMA Canada’s annual Leaders’ Workshop, an invitation-only meeting of BOMA’s collective volunteer and professional leadership, and the National Awards Gala are highlights of every BOMEX event.
Government of New Brunswick
Contract Description:
Department of Health & Wellness: Atlantic Primary Health Care Conference: Building a Better Tomorrow (350 attendees)
Client Description:
Conference management services for a committee comprised of all four Atlantic provincial health departments and that hosted 400 delegates.
Atlantic Regional Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies
Contract Description:
Annual Atlantic Conference (200 attendees)
National Parole Board
Contract Description:
Protecting our Communities: Atlantic Public Education Forums
Greater Moncton REALTORs du Grand Moncton
Contract Description:
60th Anniversary Gala
Laubach Literacy New Brunswick
Contract Description:
Bookstravaganza: Fundraising Event
Salvation Army
Contract Description:
Big Summer Book Sale: Fundraising Event
Contract Description:
Photography Festival & Conference
Fotografia 2quebradas
Contract Description:
International Photography Festival & Conference in Dosquebradas, Colombia
Multicultural Association of the Great Moncton Area
Contract Description:
Mosaïq Multicultural Festival
CBC Hockey Night in Canada’s Play On! Street Hockey Tournament
Contract Description:
Managed the Moncton edition of this national sports tournament
Edmonton Comedy Festival
Contract Description:
Management of first year event and start-up consultation for this annual festival.
Atlanticade Motorcycle Festival
Contract Description:
Management of first year event and start-up consultation for this annual festival.
Moncton Public Library
Contract Description:
Magnum Opus Fundraising Gala
Fortis Properties, Moncton
Contract Description:
Grand opening of Blue Cross Building expansion
Talent Agency
Atlantic Coordinating Committee on Crime Prevention
Contract Description:
Development and management of the Community Safety Speakers Bureau for Atlantic Canada
Specialized Services
Canadian Soccer Association
Contract Description:
2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup, Marketing and Brand Protection for the Moncton event
Public Safety Advisory Committee for the City of Moncton
Contract Description:
Provided administration, marketing, media relations and event coordination services for this volunteer committee that is appointed by the City of Moncton’s Mayor and Council from 2003 – 2021
Laubach Literacy New Brunswick & Fédération d'alphabétisation du Nouveau-Brunswick
Contract Description:
Online records database development as well as research, program development and adult learner curriculum development
Downtown Moncton Centreville Inc.
Contract Description:
Security consultation & various research projects
Moncton Minor Hockey Association
Contract Description:
Online registration database development & support services
Southeast Regional Health Authority
Contract Description:
Corporate needs assessment on workplace education
Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators / City of Bathurst
Contract Description:
Corporate needs assessment on Francophone workplace education
United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB Region
Contract Description:
Youth First Committee Coordinator
Provincial Caring Partnerships Committee
Contract Description:
Committee Administrator
Fédération des Jeunes Francophones du Nouveau Brunswick
Contract Description:
Research design and statistical analysis
Help 24 Au secours: Crisis Help-Line
Contract Description:
Strategic Planning
New Brunswick Camping Association
Contract Description:
Strategic Planning
Crime Prevention Association of New Brunswick
Contract Description:
Grant Proposal Writing
Prostitutes Empowerment Education and Resource Society
Contract Description:
Strategic Planning
National Parole Board
Contract Description:
African Canadian Cultural Liaison Pilot Project: Proposal writing and project evaluation
Garden Connections
Contract Description:
Business start-up consulting and HR planning
Ancamna Sales Inc.
Contract Description:
Business Plan Development
Sugar Queen Inc.
Contract Description:
Business Plan Development